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More than just fitness

A range of Pilates classes in Newcastle-upon-Tyne helping people realise its many benefits and the positive effect it can have on the body.

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Venues in Newcastle & Northumberland

We run weekly Pilates classes across Newcastle upon Tyne and Northumberland - why not see if there's one near you?

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Certified Pilates Instructor

Certified instructor Paula Bennett has a passion for helping people realise the many benefits of Pilates. Get in touch to find out how Pilates can help you

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'Through the Pilates Method of Body Conditioning this unique trinity of a balanced body, mind and spirit can ever be attained. Self-confidence follows.' Joseph Pilates

NEW: Online Pilates classes; live every Thursday night at 6pm

Why Pilates?

Pilates is more than a physical fitness regimen of mindlessly repeated exercises. Pilates is a workout system that teaches you to be mindful of the body in everything that you do.

Pilates exercise is proven to be a real boost for quality life helping you engage with your core even when carrying out day-to-day activities. You will learn how to work from inside out, retraining your deep establishing muscles. Pilates will help you to have less back pain, a better posture, a sleeker figure and more confidence in yourself.

Pilates has a long established history, and this is because it delivers tangible results. Physically, it cultivates a critical balance of posture, strength and flexibility. Emotionally, it’s calming, satisfying, and invigorating.

If you want to feel the advantages that a Pilates course will provide to your body and mind by yourself, take a look around our website to find out more about Pilates Life and how we could help you.

Paula Bennett - Pilates Life

About Pilates Life

Paula Bennett started doing Pilates to try something different, not really knowing what to expect but hoping it would help her posture and flexibility. After just an hour long class she felt relaxed and released.

She continued practicing until in 2009 deciding to train as a Body Control Pilates® teacher.

When she became a certified instructor she founded Pilates Life to help others realise its many benefits.

What people say about Pilates Life

Paula constructs a flowing class and explains the area of the body that are to be focussed on. Having attended weekly classes for a couple of years I have noticed a huge improvement in my flexibility which helps me in my sport and general daily movement.

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